How to Install the Mônica eSIM
Installation via QR Code
1. Open the email that contains the QR code or access your account.
2. Press the QR code to install and add the eSIM. Or, if you prefer, scan the QR code with your device's camera.
3. Tap 'Activate eSIM' and then 'Continue'.
4. Select a label or enter a custom label for easier future use.
5. Choose the eSIM, enable the 'Activate This Line' option, and turn on 'Data Roaming'.
6. Select your eSIM as the default network for 'Cellular Data' and do not enable the 'Allow Cellular Data Switching' option.
Installation via QR Code
Configurando Mônica eSIM no Android
Para configurar o Mônica eSIM em seu Android, você precisará estar conectado à internet.
1. Após efetuar a compra você receberá o código QR.
2. Acesse o código QR através de seu e-mail ou de sua conta no
3. Pressione o código QR até aparecer um menu e então clique em [Pesquisar imagem com o lens]
4. Peça para [Copiar texto]
5. Então saia desta tela e abra [Configurações]
6. Clique em [Rede móvel] (ou Conexões, dependendo de seu Android)
7. Clique em [Dados móveis]
Em seguida, clique em [Configurar um eSIM]
8. Aparecerá a tela para fazer o [Scan] do código QR e embaixo uma opção [Insira o código de ativação]
9. Então clique em [Insira o código de ativação] para inserir o código que copiamos na tela anterior
10. Um campo para inserir o código aparecerá, e basta pressionar o campo por uns segundos e [colar] o código de instalação.
O código de instalação começa por: LPA:1$ - é este código completo que deve ser inserido no campo [Código]
11. Em seguida clique em [Continuar]
12. Aguarde o processo de instalação, que pode levar de alguns segundos até uns minutos.
13. Após ser instalado, uma mensagem de [O eSIM foi definido] aparecerá, então clique em [Concluir]
14. Ao clicar em [Concluir], ele voltará para tela anterior, e então clique em [Dados móveis] e ative o [Roaming]
Pronto, a instalação está concluída.
Have fun: Have an excellent stay and enjoy the best moments!
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find information to clear your doubts
Can I recharge my eSIM?
Yes, just access your account on the website and make the desired recharge in real time!
Can I keep my WhatsApp number?
Yes, you will keep your WhatsApp number with all your conversations and contacts. You can use it normally.
When will I receive my eSIM?
After payment, we will send the QR-Code to your email within minutes.
Which smartphones are compatible with eSIM?
You can check if your smartphone is compatible with eSIM by clicking here.
When does the countdown for my data plan start?
The days start counting when you activate data roaming on your phone.
Therefore, the countdown of the number of days in the plan will begin when you activate the eSIM, not when you install it.
What is the amount of data included in my eSIM?
The Mônica eSIM includes data starting from 1GB up to unlimited data plans. The availability of data packages may vary depending on the destination.
You also have the option to recharge data on your eSIM and extend the days of use.
Can I use my SIM card and eSIM at the same time?
Sure! Just indicate your preference for data and/or phone line in your device settings. However, please note that while you can install multiple eSIMs, only one can be active.
When and how can I uninstall my eSIM?
When your trip comes to an end, you can easily uninstall your eSIM. Just go to your device settings and in the eSIM section, select the eSIM and click uninstall.
Is there any way to activate the eSIM without a QR code?
You can manually install your eSIM without needing a QR code. Just follow our installation guide. This comprehensive guide will walk you through, ensuring an easy and hassle-free installation process.
What are the available payment methods?
We offer a variety of convenient payment methods to ensure a seamless experience for our customers. You can make payments with Google Pay, credit cards, or Apple Pay. Choose the method that suits you best and enjoy hassle-free transactions!
My internet is slow. What should I do?
This may be a temporary issue or related to coverage/saturation in the area you are in. We recommend turning airplane mode on and off, this will force a new connection to the network and may resolve the issue! If the problem persists, our assistants will be available to help you.
My eSIM is not working. What should I do?
If you are having trouble using the eSIM, check the following steps:
1. Make sure the eSIM is installed and active on your device.
2. Check if roaming is enabled.
3. Confirm that the eSIM is set as the preferred line for mobile data.
4. Turn airplane mode on and off, this will force a new connection to the network.
Mônica eSIM, easy to buy, install, and enjoy!

Instant activation
Unlocked iPhone and Android devices have an integrated eSIM chip, allowing you to activate our plans on your device immediately. Check the eSIM Device List to verify.

No physical SIM
Think of an eSIM as a virtual SIM card. All the data typically contained in a SIM card is loaded onto your phone over the air, so there is no need to install a physical SIM.

Multiple Plans
Installing an eSIM does not replace your existing phone plan, but adds a new secondary data plan. You can enable or disable each plan as per your convenience.

Speed + Security
We take privacy seriously. Our eSIM plans provide unmatched security for all your mobile device traffic, including tethered devices, without exposing it to the public Internet or other devices.
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